Serbian ladies club, Red Start Belgrade participated on the biggest beach rugby league tournament Istanbul Kadikoy Beach Rugby League 2021 from 6th to 9th Aug 2021. All ladies are informed about Fair Coaching project aim and goal of project and especially thing that can be interesting for them gender equality and empowerment of ladies in a sport. Interesting fact was that Serbian ladies faced and played v Iranian ladies that were full dressed by as required by their regulations in Iran. Why this is interesting to stress, because we had case in handball that Norwegian ladies played beach handball and they faced with the sexist demands of the tournament organizer to play in a bikini as required by the tournament organizer. We know that all Fair Project participants have condemned this case in handball. For example, in Istanbul, at the beach rugby league tournament, there were no requests for Iranian women to play in the locker room like other rugby players from Europe, even more so they were given freedom of choice.