Fair Coaching is a 3 year project starting in 2020 aimed at promoting respect and values among professional and most of all grassroots coaches and trainers, contrasting sexist, violent and discriminatory behaviours to ensure a healthy and inspiring sport environment for professional and young athletes.

Promote a widespread awareness among professional and grassroots coaches, supporters, athletes and athletes’ families about unfair and discriminatory behaviours in coaching towards all athletes and particularly young female athletes as they are the most affected target.
Support grassroots and professional sport clubs, federations, leagues and organizations in developing policy and a plan of action to prevent and tackle these behaviours and adopting binding European codes of conduct and ethical guidelines in coaching and training.
Strengthen capabilities, tools and support for athletes, and specifically young athletes, to report any episodes of discrimination, abuse or violence adopted by coaches and trainers.
Spread good examples in coaching and respect as well as a peer tutoring among testimonials and athletes, professional and grassroots, to increase awareness, activism, reporting about this issue in Europe.


Mapping of good practices, ethics codes, experiences of good coaching and respect both in grassroots and professional sport.

Collection and analysis of data and information about unfair coaching among grassroots and professional sports to fill the gap of information and data, analysis of main existing reporting tools.

European training sessions for:
coaches, on correct personal relations with athletes, emotional dynamics, respect of minorities and vulnerable groups, gender equality
volunteers, supporters, young athletes and their family members as observers, to recognize signs of abuse and report them

Transnational activity with referents from each partner country for coaches to exchange lessons learned, experiences, and build a European network of Fair Coaching Ambassadors and create a Participative Ethic Code in coaching.

Piloting an European monitoring tool to report episodes of unfair and discriminatory coaching.

European Fair Coaching awareness campaign, online and offline with national events

Handbook of mapped good practices and reporting tools with impact analysis and positive inspiring story cases of fair coaching
Report of analysis of data and information emerged
Training Toolkit: organized open access materials from the training path for coaches
Training Toolkit: organized materials from the training path for observer and young athletes
Participative Ethic Code in coaching
Video movies with report from the Campaign
European Fair Coaching Campaign Toolkit
Guidelines about the Fair Coaching reporting tool
Fair Coaching impact analysis and evaluation with recommendations to policy and decision makers